I have some providers, say -
<Provider Type="Providers.IM" Name="Im"/>
<Provider Type="Providers.Web" Name="Web"/>
Each of these providers can give me a session :
<Session Name="GoogleIM" Provider="Im" URL="..." />
<Session Name="YahooIM" Provider="Im" URL="..." />
<Session Name="YahooWeb" Provider="Web" URL="..." />
Currently, I instantiate "named" sessions by looking at the provider, instantiating the type, and injecting the URL (manually).
I could use a session factory, which would probably have to understand the url and return a proper session.
Is there a way to handle this more elegantly/simply with ninject/autofac?
I may not understand your setup correctly but I believe you could handle this type of operation with Ninject pretty easily. You would want to create a base interface and have all your objects implement that. Your Ninject bindings will use the Context to determine which class to load in place of your interface type. I wrote a brief tutorial using Ninject's contextual binding available here : http://frickinsweet.com/ryanlanciaux.com/post/Real-Ultimate-Power--Dependency-Injection-with-Ninject.aspx