Monday, February 21, 2011

How to block a website programatically using DotNet

HAI I am developing a software to run on the server and block the websites on the client systems using the client system name. My application is if I block,entire website should be blocked i.e if user types,it should not show the webpage of google.I have to block not a single url by editing c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts but the whole website.Thanking u Chaithu

From stackoverflow
  • Have you considered to solve this via firewall rules instead? That would seem more natural to me... An .NET application seems not to be the appropriate technology to implement a web filter. Just for my own curiousity:

    why do you wan't to block sites?


    1. Create simple http proxy solutions with exclusion list (or look for ready to use solution)
    2. Restrict internet access to access only using Your proxy


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