I am just starting out with Silverlight (2 RC0) and can’t seem to get the following to work. I want to create a simple image button user control.
My xaml for the user control is as follows:
<Image Source="{TemplateBinding ImageSource}" Width="{TemplateBinding Width}" Height="{TemplateBinding Height}" />
The code behind is as follows:
public partial class ImageButtonUserControl : UserControl
public ImageButtonUserControl()
public Image Source
get { return base.GetValue(SourceProperty) as Image; }
set { base.SetValue(SourceProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty SourceProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("SourceProperty", typeof(Image), typeof(ImageButtonUserControl),null);
I want to be able to dynamically create the ImageButtons and stuff them in a container like a WrapPanel: Assume we have an image named “image” already:
ImageButtonUserControl imageButton = new ImageButtonUserControl();
imageButton.Source = image;
What do I need to do to get the image to display? I'm assuming I need to do something with DataContext, but I'm not quite sure what or where.
Thanks for any help
You can get an ImageButton easily just by templating an ordinary Button so you dont require a UseControl at all. Assuming that Button.Content will be the ImageSource. The controltemplate of the Button will be
<ControlTemplate x:Key="btn_template"> <Image Source="{TemplateBinding Content}" /> </ControlTemplate>
And the usage as an ItemsControl with URL collection as its ItemsSource, You can add WrapPanel as the ItemPanel. Default will be StackPanel if you dont specify one.
<DataTemplate x:Key="dataTemlpate"> <Button Template="{StaticResource btn_template}" Content="{Binding}"/> </DataTemplate> <ItemsControl ItemsSorce="{Binding UrlCollection}" ItemsTemplate="{StaticResource dataTemlpate}"/>
ckarbass : Thanks, that was a typo I had already fixed....still doesn't seem to work.ckarbass : hmm...it already has a width and height, I think it has to do with DataContext...ckarbass : that usage will result in a button with an image inside it. I want a clickable image (without the default button visually encapsulating it)....I believe the code I have above completely overrides the default button template with the image.Jobi Joy : No this exactly does what you want. It wont show a button chrome, Just try it.ckarbass : well you just changed your response, what you have now will override the templateckarbass : but...i have multiple images....I get a list of URL's, contstruct image objects from them...then create the above user controls with the images i just created, then add them to a wrap panelJobi Joy : use an ItemsControl and set ItemsPanel as WrapPanel, then give the button I wrote as ItemTemplate of the ItemsControl. And ItemsSource will be the collection of URLsckarbass : yeah, trying that now, thanks -
I believe this will help. It did for me!
Instead Image, use ImageSource. E.G. typeof(ImageSource), etc..
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