Thursday, March 31, 2011

Silverlight ImageButton UserControl

I am just starting out with Silverlight (2 RC0) and can’t seem to get the following to work. I want to create a simple image button user control.

My xaml for the user control is as follows:

                <Image Source="{TemplateBinding ImageSource}" Width="{TemplateBinding Width}" Height="{TemplateBinding Height}" />

The code behind is as follows:

public partial class ImageButtonUserControl : UserControl
     public ImageButtonUserControl()

     public Image Source
      get { return base.GetValue(SourceProperty) as Image; }
      set { base.SetValue(SourceProperty, value); }
     public static readonly DependencyProperty SourceProperty = 
      DependencyProperty.Register("SourceProperty", typeof(Image), typeof(ImageButtonUserControl),null);

I want to be able to dynamically create the ImageButtons and stuff them in a container like a WrapPanel: Assume we have an image named “image” already:

     ImageButtonUserControl imageButton = new ImageButtonUserControl();
     imageButton.Source = image;


What do I need to do to get the image to display? I'm assuming I need to do something with DataContext, but I'm not quite sure what or where.

Thanks for any help

From stackoverflow
  • You can get an ImageButton easily just by templating an ordinary Button so you dont require a UseControl at all. Assuming that Button.Content will be the ImageSource. The controltemplate of the Button will be

     <ControlTemplate x:Key="btn_template">         
       <Image Source="{TemplateBinding Content}" />   

    And the usage as an ItemsControl with URL collection as its ItemsSource, You can add WrapPanel as the ItemPanel. Default will be StackPanel if you dont specify one.

    <DataTemplate x:Key="dataTemlpate">
      <Button Template="{StaticResource btn_template}" Content="{Binding}"/>
     <ItemsControl ItemsSorce="{Binding UrlCollection}" ItemsTemplate="{StaticResource dataTemlpate}"/>
    ckarbass : Thanks, that was a typo I had already fixed....still doesn't seem to work.
    ckarbass : already has a width and height, I think it has to do with DataContext...
    ckarbass : that usage will result in a button with an image inside it. I want a clickable image (without the default button visually encapsulating it)....I believe the code I have above completely overrides the default button template with the image.
    Jobi Joy : No this exactly does what you want. It wont show a button chrome, Just try it.
    ckarbass : well you just changed your response, what you have now will override the template
    ckarbass : but...i have multiple images....I get a list of URL's, contstruct image objects from them...then create the above user controls with the images i just created, then add them to a wrap panel
    Jobi Joy : use an ItemsControl and set ItemsPanel as WrapPanel, then give the button I wrote as ItemTemplate of the ItemsControl. And ItemsSource will be the collection of URLs
    ckarbass : yeah, trying that now, thanks
  • I believe this will help. It did for me!

    Instead Image, use ImageSource. E.G. typeof(ImageSource), etc..


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