What is the best way to calculate Age using Flex?
I found an Answer at the bottom of this page in comments section
Repeated here for posterity (should the original comment be lost)
jpwrunyan said on Apr 30, 2007 at 10:10 PM :
By the way, here is how to calculate age in years (only) from DOB without needing to account for leap years:
private function getYearsOld(dob:Date):uint {
var now:Date = new Date();
var yearsOld:uint = Number(now.fullYear) - Number(dob.fullYear);
if (dob.month >= now.month && dob.date >= now.date) {
return yearsOld;
}This handles most situations where you need to calculate age.
You could also do it roughly the same as discussed here: (translated to AS3)
var age:int = (new Date()).fullYear - bDay.fullYear; if ((new Date()) < (new Date((bDay.fullYear + age), bDay.month, bDay.date))) age--;
Here is a little more complex calculation, this calculates age in years and months. Example: User is 3 years 2 months old.
private function calculateAge(dob:Date):String { var now:Date = new Date(); var ageDays:int = 0; var ageYears:int = 0; var ageRmdr:int = 0; var diff:Number = now.getTime()-dob.getTime(); ageDays = diff / 86400000; ageYears = Math.floor(ageDays / 365.24); ageRmdr = Math.floor( (ageDays - (ageYears*365.24)) / 30.4375 ); if ( ageRmdr == 12 ) { ageRmdr = 11; } return ageYears + " years " + ageRmdr + " months"; }
var userDOB : Date = new Date(year,month-1,day); var today : Date = new Date(); var diff : Date = new Date(); diff.setTime( today.getTime() - userDOB.getTime() ); var userAge : int = diff.getFullYear() - 1970;
Here's a one-liner:
int( now.getFullYear() - dob.getFullYear() + (now.getMonth() - dob.getMonth())*.01 + (now.getDate() - dob.getDate())*.0001 );
The first answer is incorrect. The last comparison should be:
if (dob.month > now.month || (dob.month == now.month && dob.date >= now.date)) { yearsOld--; }
The previous correction is still incorrect: you don't need to reduce 1 year on your birthday!
if (dob.month > now.month || (dob.month == now.month && dob.date > now.date)) { yearsOld--; }
I found a few problems with the top answer here. I used a couple of answers here to cobble together something which was accurate (for me anyway, hope for you too!)
private function getYearsOld(dob:Date):uint { var now:Date = new Date(); var age:Date = new Date(now.getTime() - dob.getTime()); var yearsOld:uint = age.getFullYear() - 1970; return yearsOld; }
I tried to correct the answer from Braxton here. Some people have aldready noticed it, but here is the correction in its context:
private function getYearsOld(dob:Date):uint { var now:Date = new Date(); var yearsOld:uint = Number(now.fullYear) - Number(dob.fullYear); if (dob.month > now.month || (dob.month == now.month && dob.date > now.date) { yearsOld--; } return yearsOld; }
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