I am using the open source Saxon XSLT processor for .NET to execute some 2.0 transforms.
I reference the saxon9api.dll as I would any other dll, and can compile code against this. However Visual Studio does not show any intellisense making the IDE as useful as notepad.
The saxon9api.dll is using the IKVM Java for .NET platform, and I wonder if this is the causing VS a problem. Reflector can inspect the DLL without issue, but I suspect VS is not happy for some reason.
Any ideas?
Surprised that no one else has encountered this behaviour seeing as Microsoft recommend the use of Saxon in the absense of built in functionality in the framework.
I think I will reword the question to be about assemblies running under IKVM not showing intellisense although I will need to find another IKVM based project to prove that this is the case first...
You might be better off asking this question on the xsl-list mailing list. I thinkthat you are asking the sort of question that requires a Michael Kay answer and he definitely reads the list. The list is at link text
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