Sunday, May 1, 2011

Is there a difference between "throw" and "throw ex"?

There are some posts that asks what the difference between those two are already.
(why do I have to even mention this...)

But my question is different in a way that I am calling "throw ex" in another error god-like handling method.

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
            // something
        catch (Exception ex)

    private static void HandleException(Exception ex)
        if (ex is ThreadAbortException)
            // ignore then,

        if (ex is ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
            // Log then,
            throw ex;

        if (ex is InvalidOperationException)
            // Show message then,
            throw ex;

        // and so on.

If try & catch were used in the Main, then I would use throw; to rethrow the error. But in the above simplied code, all exceptions go through HandleException

Does throw ex; has the same effect as calling throw when called inside HandleException?

From stackoverflow
  • Yes, there is a difference;

    • throw ex resets the stack trace (so your errors would appear to originate from HandleException)
    • throw doesn't - the original offender would be preserved.
    Scott Dorman : To expand on Marc's answer a bit, you can find more details here:
    Sung Meister : @Scott: Thank you for the link. And I have also found out about how to extract error handler in the follow-up question:
    Shaul : This answer is incorrect! See
    Marc Gravell : @Shaul; no, it isn't. I've given details in a comment to your post.
    Shaul : @Marc Gravell - my apologies, you were right. Sorry about the downvote; it's too late for me to undo... :(
  • No, this will cause the exception to have a different stack trace. Only using a throw without any exception object in the catch handler will leave the stack trace unchanged.

    You may want to return a boolean from HandleException whether the exception shall be rethrown or not.

  • when you do throw ex, that exception thrown becomes the "original" one. so all previous stack trace will not be there.

    if you do throw, the exception just goes down the line and you'll get the full stack trace.

  • Also, In .NET 1.1 throw will also throw non .NET exceptions

  • (I posted earlier, and @Marc Gravell has corrected me)

    Here's a demonstration of the difference:

         static void Main(string[] args) {
      try {
       ThrowException1(); // line 19
      } catch (Exception x) {
       Console.WriteLine("Exception 1:");
      try {
       ThrowException2(); // line 25
      } catch (Exception x) {
       Console.WriteLine("Exception 2:");
     private static void ThrowException1() {
      try {
       DivByZero(); // line 34
      } catch {
       throw; // line 36
     private static void ThrowException2() {
      try {
       DivByZero(); // line 41
      } catch (Exception ex) {
       throw ex; // line 43
     private static void DivByZero() {
      int x = 0;
      int y = 1 / x; // line 49

    and here is the output:

        Exception 1:
       at UnitTester.Program.DivByZero() in <snip>\Dev\UnitTester\Program.cs:line 49
       at UnitTester.Program.ThrowException1() in <snip>\Dev\UnitTester\Program.cs:line 36
       at UnitTester.Program.TestExceptions() in <snip>\Dev\UnitTester\Program.cs:line 19
    Exception 2:
       at UnitTester.Program.ThrowException2() in <snip>\Dev\UnitTester\Program.cs:line 43
       at UnitTester.Program.TestExceptions() in <snip>\Dev\UnitTester\Program.cs:line 25

    You can see that in Exception 1, the stack trace goes back to the DivByZero() method, whereas in Exception 2 it does not.

    Take note, though, that the line number shown in ThrowException1() and ThrowException2() is the line number of the throw statement, not the line number of the call to DivByZero(), which probably makes sense now that I think about it a bit...

  • See also this question.

  • You can find more details here

    Difference between "throw" and "throw ex"


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