I Made Setup from my C# program (that work's with Oracle 10g)
when I try to run this program - in different Computer, i got this error message:
unable to load dll 'OraOps10.dll'
what it can be ?
thank's in advance
Maybe, just maybe, oracle isn't installed on this 'different Computer'?
Either Oracle is not installed or the oracle dll can't be found for some reason.
I've came across this and various Oracle errors before. It is usually an authorization issue, provided that of course, Oracle is installed and configured correctly.
Locate the 'ORACLE_HOME' folder, right click and set the security settings. Make sure the SYSTEM account has permission to Read & Execute the files in the folders and all subfolders and files. If you're accessing Oracle from a web application, do this for the ASP.NET user.
For more information see also: http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=67364
If you're using the Oracle ODP (
) and not the default Microsoft ODP (System.Data.OracleClient
) then you have to download install the Oracle Data Access Compontents before you can use it. So installing the ODAC must be the part of your deployment process.
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