Sunday, May 1, 2011

How do I solve "405 Method Not Allowed" for our subversion setup?

We're serving our source code using VisualSVN running on Windows Server 2003. Recently, we split a portion of a project into a new project in it's own repository, and then linked it back to the original project using svn:externals. Since then, we've been having issues when we try to commit files with Subclipse.

The error we're getting is:

svn: Commit failed (details follow):

svn: PROPFIND of '/svn': 405 Method Not Allowed (

Googling for a while didn't really help, our config seems to be correct. It should also be noted that we've been running this server for a while no without these problems and apart from splitting the project into two repositories, no changes have been made to the server (ie, config files are the same).

It should also be noted that these errors only appear when we try to check in multiple files at once. If we check in one file at a time there are no errors. Also, it only appears in Subclipse as far as we know right now, (OS X) seems to work fine so that is our current workaround.

So, the questions is how do I analyze the error to find the cause and subsequently fix it? I'm by no means a svn guru and right now I'm clueless.

EDIT: It seems we can check in multiple files in the same package, but not files from multiple packages. Also, when I "split" the project into two repositories, I imported the original repository with a new name. I did not do a dump and then import that dump. Could that be the source of our issues, and if so, how would I solve that?

EDIT: After some jerking around it seems as though it is indeed related to when checking in files in different repositories. If I try to do a single commit in both Repo A and Repo B (referenced by svn:externals) at the same time, I get the error. handles this correctly, but I guess it might just be doing two commits, not a single one. Subclipse fails miserably. For now, we simply do multiple commits, one for Repo A and one for Repo B, that works just fine. If anyone smarter than me could fill in the details why this is happening, wether or not this kind of setup is stupid etc, please go right ahead.

From stackoverflow
  • Is the version of SVN linked with subclipse the same as the server? Is this the latest version of subclipse? If not then maybe it's a version mismatch problem or something like that.

    Have you tried Subversive as an alternative?

    macke : I looked into Subversive, but read about some issue that made it a no-go for us. Can't remember what it was now though. I'll look into it again, thanks.
    macke : Subversive is no better unfortunately and lately this problem have shown its ugly head in versions as well. It's looking more and more like a misconfiguration in the server.


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